
Q&A: Molice on Blade Runner, Touring Abroad and Their Latest Album Neugravity


Molice will grab your ear with melancholy hooks on Neugravity

If at first listen, Molice comes off as nonchalant, even apathetic, it’s a rouse. A siren song to lure you in. Don’t fight it and you’ll be rewarded with fuzzy, melancholic jams that speak to your inner being.

It doesn’t get more indie than Molice, who have opted for low-fi rock in an ocean of over-produced pop. Their’s is a nostalgic sound harkening back to drifting punk lullabies more than three decades old. Given how much success the band has enjoyed in a mere five years of playing, it seems being the black sheep of Japanese music has paid off handsomely.
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